Correction of Anterior Open Bite Malocclusion with the Association of Removable Palatal Crib and Chincup


  • Juliana de Brito Vasconcelos Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Daiara Paula Pacheco Unopar, Lato Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Jefferson Scwhertner Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Marcio Rodrigues de Almeida Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Ana Cláudia de Castro Ferreira Conti Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Paula Vanessa Pedron Oltramari Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Thais Maria Freire Fernandes Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.
  • Renato Rodrigues de Almeida Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brazil.




Anterior open bite affects the child population by approximately 20%, with great aesthetic-functional impairment due to dental-skeletal changes, which may involve the presence of posterior crossbite. The objective was to present the anterior open bite correction associated with posterior crossbite with the use of a removable palatal crib. Patient during the mixed dentition phase presented an anterior open bite caused by a pacifier sucking habit and secondary lingual interposition. The treatment protocol consisted of the use of removable expander with palatal crib and nocturnal use of the chincup. The anterior open bite was corrected, and the best transverse relation of the arches was obtained. The precocious treatment using the palatal crib associated to the chincup allows to achieve favorable results in the resolution of the anterior open bite.


Keywords: Open Bite. Malocclusion. Orthodontics, Interceptive.



A mordida aberta anterior acomete a população infantil em aproximadamente 20%, com grande comprometimento estético-funcional em decorrência das alterações dentoesqueléticas, podendo envolver a presença de mordida cruzada posterior. O objetivo do estudo foi apresentar a correção da mordida aberta anterior associada à mordida cruzada posterior com a utilização de grade palatina removível. Paciente em fase de dentadura mista, apresentava mordida aberta anterior ocasionada por um hábito de sucção de chupeta e interposição lingual secundária. O protocolo de tratamento consistiu na utilização de expansor removível com grade palatina e uso noturno da mentoneira. A mordida aberta anterior foi corrigida e melhor relação transversal dos arcos foi obtida. O tratamento precoce utilizando grade palatina associada à mentoneira permite alcançar resultados favoráveis na resolução da mordida aberta anterior.


Palavras-chave: Mordida Aberta. Má Oclusão. Ortodontia Interceptora.


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How to Cite

Vasconcelos J de B, Pacheco DP, Scwhertner J, de Almeida MR, Conti AC de CF, Oltramari PVP, et al. Correction of Anterior Open Bite Malocclusion with the Association of Removable Palatal Crib and Chincup. J of Healt sci [Internet]. 2019 Dec. 20 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];21(5):434-6. Available from:

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