Oral health-related quality of life and associated factors in institutionalized adolescents: a census study


  • Caroline Fernandes e Silva Federal University Pelotas, Graduate Program in Dentistry. RS, Brazil.
  • Paulo Roberto Grafitti Colussi University of Passo Fundo, Faculty of Dentistry. RS, Brazil
  • Carla Cioato Piardi Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Graduate Program in Dentistry. RS, Brazil
  • Patricia Weidlich Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Faculty of Dentistry. RS, Brazil
  • Cassiano Kuchenbecker Rösing Federal University Rio Grande do Sul, Faculty of Dentistry. RS, Brazil
  • Francisco Wilker Mustafa Gomes Muniz Federal University Pelotas, Faculty of Dentistry. RS, Brazil http://orcid.org/0000-0002-3945-1752




This study aimed to associate oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) and related factors in adolescents deprived of freedom. In this cross-sectional observational study, sixty-eight male adolescents deprived of freedom (from the Socio-Educational Assistance Centers from Passo Fundo, Brazil)  were included. The sample was dichotomized into those with lower impact (sum scores <16) and higher impact (sum score ≥16) on OHRQoL. Sociodemographic characteristics, medical and dental histories, and a structured questionnaire about dental perception were collected. Clinical examination was performed by using the Decayed, Missing, Filled Index. Associations between the outcome and independent variables were analyzed by uni- and multivariate Poisson regression with robust variation. Overall, a mean score OHIP-14 was 13.15±11.17. In the multivariate analysis, former smokers and current smokers presented a significant higher prevalence ratio (PR) of higher OHIP-14 scores than nonsmokers (PR= 4.70; 95%CI: 1.21–18.22 and 4.83; 95%CI:1.25–18.58, respectively). Additionally, to every decayed tooth, a significant increase in the PR of having higher OHIP-14 was 28% (PR=1.28 – 95%CI: 1.11–1.47). Conversely, adolescents that were not concerned about teeth alignment presented a significantly lower PR of being in the higher impact of OHRQoL (PR=0.42 – 95%CI: 0.19–0.93). Adolescents deprived of freedom present a high impact on OHRQoL. The number of decayed teeth and smoking exposure were associated with higher impact on OHRQoL. However, absence of teeth alignment concern was associated with lower impact on OHRQoL.


Keywords: Quality of Life. Adolescent. Institutionalized. Psychometrics. Adolescent Health Services.



Esse estudo objetivou associar a qualidade de vida associada a saúde bucal (QVASB) e fatores relacionados em adolescentes privados de liberdade. Sessenta e oito adolescentes privados de liberdade foram incluídos. QVASB foi avaliada pelo Oral Health Impact Profile-14. A amostra foi dicotomizada em baixo impacto (soma de escores <16) e alto impacto (soma de escores ≥16) na QVASB. Características sociodemográficas, histórico médico e odontológico e um questionário estruturado sobre percepção dental foram coletados. Exame clínico foi realizado utilizando-se o Índice de dentes cariados, perdidos e obturados. Associações entre o desfecho e as variáveis independentes foram analisadas por regressão uni e multivariada de Poisson com variância robusta. Em toda a amostra, a média de escores do OHIP-14 foi de 13,15±11,17. Na análise multivariada, ex-fumantes e fumantes apresentaram significativa maior razão de prevalência (RP) de apresentarem maiores escores do OHIP-14 do que os não fumantes (RP=4,70; IC95%: 1,21 – 18,22 e 4,83; IC95%: 1,25 – 18,58, respectivamente). Além disso, para cada dente cariado, houve aumento significativo de 28% RP de ter maiores escores de OHIP-14 (RP=1,28 – IC95%: 1,11 – 1,47). Por outro lado, adolescentes que não se preocupam com o alinhamento dos seus dentes apresentaram significativo melhor RP de terem maior impacto na QVASB (RP=0,42 – IC95%: 0,19 – 0,93). Adolescentes privados de liberdade apresentaram alto impacto na QVASB. O número de dentes cariados e exposição ao fumo estiveram associados com alto impacto na QVASB. Entretanto, a ausência de preocupação com o alinhamento esteve associada com menor impacto na QVASB.

Palavras-chave: Qualidade de Vida. Adolescente Institucionalizado. Psychometria. Serviços de Saúde do Adolescente.


Não há dados estatísticos.


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Como Citar

Silva CF e, Colussi PRG, Piardi CC, Weidlich P, Rösing CK, Muniz FWMG. Oral health-related quality of life and associated factors in institutionalized adolescents: a census study. J. Health Sci. [Internet]. 30º de junho de 2020 [citado 22º de fevereiro de 2025];22(2):113-9. Disponível em: https://journalhealthscience.pgsscogna.com.br/JHealthSci/article/view/7261




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