Retrospective Analysis of the Prevalence of Teeth Endodontically Treated from Radiographs of Individuals from the Midwest Region of Brazil


  • Lorena Alves Souza University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.
  • Andrei Rosa University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil
  • Lucas Barros Bonfim University of Cuiabá, Course of Dentistry. MT, Brazil
  • Natália Garcia Santaella University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.
  • Ivan Onone Gialain University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.
  • Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.
  • Ricardo Danil Guiraldo Unopar, Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Dentistry. PR, Brasil. University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.



Endodontic treatment is common in dentistry and for a correct diagnosis it is necessary to observe clinical and radiographic signs, taking into account pulp and periapical changes in the element to be treated. Studying this frequency can contribute to the literature, elucidating whether the greatest number of cases is occurring in young or elderly patients, women or men, anterior or posterior teeth. The objective of this study was to analyze the prevalence of endodontically treated teeth, through 900 panoramic radiographs. A cross-sectional study was carried out evaluating the prevalence of teeth treated endodontically from a sample of 900 panoramic radiographs, corresponding to exams performed in 2020, in a radiological clinic located in central west Brazil. The sample consisted of 540 (60%) female subjects and 360 (40%) male subjects, aged between 18 and 88 years old, being more prevalent for Individuals <31 years old with (34.9%) Sample. The prevalence of endodontically treated teeth was analyzed, the results showed 1,236 teeth in this condition, individually analyzing the upper right central incisor was the most frequent 9.22%, while for group analysis the upper teeth were 7.06%. Therefore, there was a higher prevalence of teeth treated endodontically in the maxilla, the tooth with the highest treatment index, the right upper central incisor. Women were more affected and it was observed that with increasing age, the number of teeth treated endodontically also increases.

Keywords: Endodontics. Prevalence. Root Canal Obturation.

O tratamento endodôntico é frequente na odontologia e para um correto diagnóstico é necessário observar sinais clínicos e radiográficos, levando em consideração as alterações pulpares e periapicais no elemento à ser tratado. Estudar essa frequência pode colaborar com a literatura, elucidando se o maior número de casos está ocorrendo em pacientes jovens ou idosos,mulheres ou homens, dentes anteriores ou posteriores O objetivo desse presente estudo foi analisar a prevalência de dentes tratados endodônticamente, por meio de 900 radiografias panorâmicas. Foi realizado um estudo transversal avaliando prevalência de dentes tratados endodônticamente a partir de uma amostra de 900 radiografias panorâmicas, correspondentes a exames realizados em 2020, em uma clínica radiológica situada no centro oeste do Brasil. A amostra foi constituída por 540 (60%) Indivíduos do gênero feminino e 360 (40%) do masculino, com idade entre 18 e 88 anos de idade, sendo mais prevalente para Indivíduos <31 anos de idade com (34,9%) da amostra. Foi analisada a prevalência de dentes tratados endodônticamente, os resultados mostraram 1.236 dentes nesta condição, analisando individualmente o incisivo central superiores direito foi o mais frequente 9,22%, enquanto para análise de dentes por grupos foram os dentes anteriores superiores 7,06%. Portanto, houve uma maior prevalência de dentes tratados endodônticamente em maxila, o dente com maior índice de tratamento o incisivo central superior direito. Mulheres foram mais acometidas e observou-se que com o aumento da idade, aumenta-se também o número de dentes tratados endodônticamente.

Palavras-chave: Endodontia. Prevalência. Obturação do Canal Radicular.


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Author Biographies

Lucas Barros Bonfim, University of Cuiabá, Course of Dentistry. MT, Brazil

Graduando de Odontologia Universidade de Cuiabá.

Natália Garcia Santaella, University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.

DDs, MSc

Ivan Onone Gialain, University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.

DDs, MSc, PhD;

Mateus Rodrigues Tonetto, University of Cuiabá, Stricto-Sensu Post-Graduate Program in Integrated Dental Sciences. MT, Brazil.

DDs, MSc, PhD;



How to Cite

Alves Souza L, Rosa A, Barros Bonfim L, Garcia Santaella N, Onone Gialain I, Rodrigues Tonetto M, et al. Retrospective Analysis of the Prevalence of Teeth Endodontically Treated from Radiographs of Individuals from the Midwest Region of Brazil. J of Healt sci [Internet]. 2021 Jun. 21 [cited 2025 Mar. 9];23(2):136-40. Available from:




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