Frequency of Neurological Diseases in a Rural Region of Brazil
The World Health Organization recommends identifying the most prevalent diseases in each developing country or region to promote the optimal use of health services. Few studies have analysed the prevalence of neurological diseases in developing countries, especially in tropical regions. This study aims to describe neurological syndromes and tropical neurological diseases encountered in the mid-northern Mato Grosso region of Brazil. This study represents a retrospective, descriptive evaluation of the demographic and clinical data of patients 15 years old above living in the region and analyzing information regarding neurological diagnoses identified in the sample. In 2008, 1,402 patients were referred to neurological consultations. The mean age of the adults was 38 years; the study included slightly more women (52.2%) than men. The most common syndromes were headaches (32.2%) and epilepsy (16.3%). No tropical disease was found in our sample, and according to sanitary authorities, the number of related notifications was lower than the expected for a tropical region. The present study is the only study conducted to date in a rural region of Brazil using outpatient evaluations to define the frequency of neurological diseases. The prevalence oftropical diseases in this region is lower than the expected.
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