Structural Observations of Beef Burger containing Wheat Fiber of Different Sizes
The objective of the present study was to develop different formulations of functional beefburgers with addition of wheat fiber of different granule sizes, and to evaluate the effect of fibers on the structural and physical properties of the product. The fibers used were Fiber 200 (250 μm in length and 25 μm in thickness) and Fiber 600/30 (35 μm in length and 20 μm in thickness), and the addition followed a 2² central composite design. The fiber addition altered the physical and structural properties of the burgers. Significant differences were observed (p < 0.05) in the physical properties of the burgers due to both the variations in particle size of the wheat fiber, and the different concentrations. Comparing the observations found through microscopy with the results of shear force and cooking losses, it was concluded that there was a relationship between some properties and their respective microscopic structures. The best results were found for the treatment F2, indicating that the Fiber 200 (larger particles) allowed the maintenance of a texture close to the standard, F1 (without fiber addition), and lower cooking loss when compared to the product containing fiber of lower particle size (Fiber 600/30). The fiber mixtures in the proportions studied were not a viable alternative due to the increase in the hardness of the product.
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